Teaching Experience

Virginia Military Institute, Department of History
HI 360 - The American Revolution (Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
HI 205 - History of the United States I (US History to 1877) (2 sections, Fall 2023)
HI 206 - History of the United States II (US History 1877-Present) (2 sections, Spring 2024)
University of Missouri, Department of History/Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy
HIST 2004 – (Sophomore Seminar) The Life, Times, and Remembrance of Sally Hemings: Race and Gender in Early America and the Revolutionary Era (Spring 2023)
HIST 2004 – (Sophomore Seminar) History of Museums (Fall 2022)
HIST 4972W – (Senior Seminar) Spatial Histories and Methods (Fall 2022)
GN HON 2010H – (Honors Tutorial) The Life, Times, and Remembrance of Sally Hemings: Race and Gender in Early America and the Revolutionary Era (Fall 2021)
GN HON 2010H – (Honors Tutorial) Historiocracy: History as Public Policy in the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries (Fall 2020)
HIST 4910W/7910 – History in Public (Writing Intensive/Graduate Co-Enrollment) (Spring 2020/2021/2022/2023)
HIST 2100/2100H – Revolutionary Transformations (Honors) (Spring 2020/2021/2022)
HIST 1100/1100H – US History to 1865 (including Honors) (Fall 2019/2020/2021/2022)
George Washington Teacher Institute at Mount Vernon
August 8, 2023: “Architecture and Slavery” (STEAM workshop for Virginia teachers)
July 17-18, 2023: “Colonial Economy” and “Architecture and Slavery”
June 29, 2023: “Architecture and Slavery”
July 5, 2022: “Colonial Economy”
July 12, 2021: “Colonial Economy”
July 27, 2020: “Architecture and Slavery”
June 17-18, 2019: “Colonial Economy” and “Architecture and Slavery”
American Philosophical Society Museum, Internship Supervisor
Bryn Mawr College Museum Studies Internship (2 interns) (Summer 2017 and Summer 2018)
University of Chicago, Jeff Metcalf Internship Program (2 interns) (Summer 2018)
University of South Carolina, Department of History
HIST 111 – US History to 1865 (Fall 2015)
National Institute of American History and Democracy, The College of William and Mary
HIS 217 – Teaching with Historic Sites: From Jamestown through the American Revolution, Instructor (Summer 2015)
HIS 218 – Teaching with Historic Sites: From the American Revolution through the Civil War, Assistant Instructor (Summer 2014)
University of South Carolina, Department of History, Teaching Assistant, Fall 2011-Spring 2014
HIST 111 – US History to 1865, Dr. Tara Strauch (Spring 2014)
HIST 111 – US History to 1865, Dr. Don Doyle (Fall 2013)
HIST 109 – Latin American Civilization, Dr. Martine Jean (Spring 2013)
HIST 109 – Latin American Civilization, Dr. Matt Childs (Fall 2012)
HIST 108 – Science and Technology in World History, Dr. Joseph November (Spring 2012)
HIST 111 – US History to 1865, Dr. David Prior (Fall 2011)